
Got Venom? (Episode 20)

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Don: Last time on the Ridonculous Race, we saw some major head games, and even headier games. The Ice Dancers tried to mess with the surfers and the Father and Son but that plan failed massively causing Josee and Jacques to get second place behind Dwayne and Junior. Junior confessed his feelings for Carrie but she told him it just wasn’t meant to be, he took it well. While the daters argued June used their own boomerang against them, clever girl. Fabian had fun with a fox who in turn had fun with Loki, since when did this become Disney channel? Between the cadets and the daters, the daters arrived last at the Chill Zone. Fortunately, it was a non-elimination round so they get to stay. (He shivers as he's still in the Arctic Circle) Did it just get cold in here? Oh yeah, we're still in the Arctic. It's time to heat things up on THE RIDONCULOUS RACE! (Smiles into the camera causing a glare.)

(Intro plays)

(We returns back to the Arctic Circle where Don stands next to a Don Box. He's wearing his winter parka while he waits.)

Don: Last time Father and Son won so they get the first tip.

(Dwayne and Junior are seen running to the Don Box shivering. They're still wearing their winter clothes from the last episode.)

Dwayne: Man it’s colder than yesterday.

Junior: I really hope the next place we go to is somewhere warmer, I’m losing body heat faster than anyone else here, though most of that is probably the icy pain of heartbreak.

---> Dwayne: (Junior’s still down in the dumps) Junior’s still a little upset that Carrie rejected his advances last time. But I keep telling him heartbreak is a natural part of life and if he’s ever feeling glum he can- (Junior gets up and leaves dejectedly) I guess we’ll talk later. Well at least we’ve made no enemies on this race.

---> Josee: (yelling) I WILL DESTROY THEM ALL!
---> Jacques: (smiles nervously) Yeah..... Go team....

---> Stephanie: Yeah our bickering cost us the lead last time but Ryan was at fault.
---> Ryan: Yes I was.
---> Stephanie: (looks stupefied by what he just said) You were? I mean… of course you were, thanks for agreeing with me. (Walks off satisfied)
---> Ryan: I found a way to one up her. Just agree to everything she says. We can’t argue if we can’t fight over anything.

Dwayne: (grabs the tip and reads) We're going to Flores, Indonesia.

Junior: (shivers) Thank god, someplace warm.

(We are presented to a slideshow of Indonesia)

Don: (smiles) Yes it is. Flores, Indonesia is packed with beautiful empty beaches (an empty beach is shown), majestic mountain ranges, (a clearing in between two mountains is seen) and ominously silent jungles. (A green jungle is seen on the screen. He's seen standing in a little hut that's above the sand. There's a beautiful beach next to him.) Teams must find Flores and take taxis here to this village to find their next tip. How do the locals keep tourists away from this beautiful vacation spot? Nobody know but it might have to do with the Komodo dragon problem. (Below Don and in the sand are many Komodo dragons. There are large and dangerous reptiles roaming freely in the sand. One goes up to the camera and growls.) Scary, right? (One jumps up and nearly bites Don frightening him) AUGHHHHHH! (He falls back in the hut.)

(We return back to the Arctic Circle where Don stands next to three cargo planes. The pilot for each plane stands next to their plane.)

Don: Teams will depart on three different cargo planes each leaving an hour apart from each other and carrying teams based on how they placed at the Chill Zone last episode. The frontrunners will have a major advantage. (A narwhal breaks through the ice with its tusk) WHOA! (The narwhals proceed to puncture the wheels of the first cargo plane with their tusks)......... Uhhhhh, looks like the narwhals are still upset about using them in the ring toss game. (Smiles) Anyway, same idea with now just two planes. (The narwhals break through the ice and puncture the wheels of the second cargo plane with their tusks).........Yep. (To everyone) EVERYONE ON THE LAST PLANE! RIGHT NOW! GO GO GO GO GOOOOOOO! MOVE IT! HURRY! (He runs for the last plane along with the pilots from the first two planes)

(Dwayne/Junior, Fabian/Jordan, June/Quince, Leo/Annie, May/Sam, MacArthur/Sanders, Geoff/Brody, Emma/Kitty, Gabriella/Nekota, Crimson/Ennui, Owen/Noah, Tom/Jen, Carrie/Devin, and Ryan/Stephanie run to the plane quickly and in fear. Josee and Jacques stand and glare.)

Josee: (glares) This is outrageous! We didn't get silver just to get on a plane with all these losers! (A narwhal breaks the ice near Josee causing her to jump into Jacques arms.) AUGHHHHHHHH!

Jacques: Perhaps we should join them?

Josee: I concur. (The run in fear into the plane as the narwhals chase them.)

(The cargo doors close as soon as the Ice Dancers enter. The third pilot starts the plane up immediately and gets them in the air as fast as he can. They finally get in the air. The plane carrying all the teams is seen on a map of the world.)

Don: (voice) The plane flies from the Arctic Circle to Indonesia a "Narwhal-free" country. Most of the teams take advantage of the long flight to Indonesia to rest up for today's challenge.

(We look into the flight and see the teams sleeping next to their partners. They sit in rows behind each other. Ryan/Stephanie, Crimson/Ennui, Josee/Jacques, Annie/Leo, Tom/Jen, June/Quince, Emma/Kitty, Gabriella/Nekota, Carrie/Devin, Owen/Noah, May/Sam, and Dwayne/Junior all sleep on this long flight)

(Fabian looks dejectedly at the ground)

---> Fabian: This morning I had to say good bye to the dear friend I made yesterday.
--->  Jordan: I’ll miss Anastasia too. But we couldn’t take her back home with us, the Artic is her home, she’ll be happier there and I’m sure she’ll always remember you.
---> Fabian: You’re right, and we found out she had a tag on her which means she’s being monitored. Which means that maybe we can track her down later and see how she’s doing. (Reveals he wrote down the serial number on his forearm) Good thing I wrote it down so I wouldn’t forget.

Jordan: Try and get some sleep, we’re going to need all our strength for whatever challenge awaits us.

Fabian: Okay I’ll try. (Closes his eyes and starts to slowly fall asleep)

Jordan: Good. (Tries to sleep herself)

(The plane is seen landing in Flores International Airport. The plane opens at the end and the teams run on the tarmac for the taxis. Josee and Jacques are seen riding a luggage carrier past all the other teams.)

Josee: See you losers at the finish line! (She and Jacques laugh mockingly at the other teams running as they drive off-screen)

(Literally two seconds later)

Josee/Jacques: (they drive back in the opposite direction as a plane lands in front of them) AUGHHHHHHHHH!

Gabriella: (laughs) HA! Karma, bitch!

(The teams get on the side of the road to hail some cabs)

Devin: Taxi! (He and Carrie and the Fashion bloggers get in one and it takes off)

Quince: (he and June get in one) To the village! (The driver nods and takes off)

Nekota: (points at the taxis taking off) Follow those taxis! (They take off)

(Owen and Noah run up to the street as all the other teams drive off)

Owen: We need a taxi! (Tries to hail a cab)

Emma: Hey! (Owen and Noah look over to see Emma and Kitty in a taxi) You can share one with us.

---> Kitty: I'm so proud of Emma liking Noah but I would also like a million bucks. (Glares at Emma) Know what I mean?

(The taxi carrying the Sisters and Reality TV Pros drives towards the village. Owen, Kitty, Noah, and Emma sit in the back seat together.)

Noah: (looks outside) Just look at that. Sapphire blue water and hot steamy jungles. (Smiles and Emma) I wish it was just the two of us.

Emma: (blushes) Uhhhh Noah, we're not dating till after the Race, remember?

Noah: I know. (Motions to Owen) I was talking to Owen.

Owen: (blushes) Aww!

Emma: (laughs) You're too funny!

Kitty: (groans) This is going to be a long ride....

---> Noah: (smiles) Why am I smiling all the time even though I hate people that do that? Because this Race has become a win-win situation. The second me or Emma gets booted, I get to date to hottest girl around. So if we win the Race, I win! If I get eliminated, I still win! Hell, I could care less if we get eliminated.
---> Owen: Yeah! Alright! High five! (High fives Noah and realizes) Wait, why did I high five that?

(The taxi suddenly stops at a sign with a Komodo dragon on it)

Noah: (to the driver) Hey driver, why'd we stop?

Driver: (points to the sign) Dragon crossing.

Kitty: Dragon Crossing? (Smiles and holds up her phone) I’ve got to get a selfie with this!

Owen: (gasps and points) WHOA! (A massive Komodo Dragon appear on the road in front of the taxis. It growls and glares at the taxi.) OMG THAT IS TERRIFYING! (Noah and Emma hold each other in fear)

Kitty: B-But we're safe in here, right?

(The Komodo growls loudly)


Emma: (to the Driver) Drive! Drive! Run it over if you have to!

Driver: But they're an endangered species!

(The Komodo dragon bites the bumper of the car and rips it clean off.)

Noah: (deadpan) Yeah, that reptile should really be scared of us.

Driver: ....... Point taken. (He starts the car up and drives around the Komodo dragon)

Owen: This place is crazy!

Noah: (smiles) Relax, I've smelled your farts for many years. If anything those dragons should be scared of you.

Emma: (laughs hysterically)

(In the taxi carrying the best friends and the bloggers, they talk)

Carrie: I really tried to let him down as gently as I could but I still think I broke his heart.

Tom: Don’t worry he’s young, tweens get over things like that. (Snaps fingers)

Jen: Enough about the other teams, what about you guys, how have you been?

Devin: Well- (Cut off)

(The taxi stops)

Tom: (looks outside the window) Dragon crossing? Are they for real?

Jen: It’s not unlikely, I’ve seen signs for UFO crossings.

Devin: Guys look! (Another komodo dragon stands in the middle of the road)

Tom: (Screams) IT’S REAL! IT’S SO VERY REAL!

Carrie: Don’t worry we’ve got this car to protect us. (The dragon pounces on the hood of the car and growls right at them. They all scream but the driver is completely unfazed by it)

Jen: DRIVE! DRIVE! DRIVE! (Driver does as he’s told and floors it shaking the beast off. It growls at them but thankfully doesn’t chase the car)

Tom: The last time I was that scared, I found out Oscar de la Renta died!

(Devin notices Carrie is snuggled up against him, it fells nice and he just decides to let her stay there.)

---> Devin: That dragon encounter was seriously creepy but I’m glad I was there so I could protect Carrie. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost her.

(Their taxi finally arrives at the village and see the Don Box. They notice a Komodo dragon sleeping around the Don Box. Owen/Noah and Emma/Kitty arrive at the same time too.)

Kitty: So, who wants to go first?

Tom: Not I.

Brody: (he and Geoff arrive out of their taxi) Relax. Just honk dude and it'll scatter. (He honks the car of the taxi causing the Komodo to wake up and glare. The taxi drives off and the dragon chases it.) See? Told ya.

Geoff: (grabs a tip and reads it) It's an All-In. How to Milk Your Dragon. Whoa! We have to do WHAT?!

(Don is seen walking in the forest into a gated fence. Komodo dragons are seen sleeping around on the floor.)

Don: That's right! Just when you thought these beasts couldn't be any more dangerous it turns out their saliva is loaded with venom! (He holds up a vial while a local kid walks up to Don) Teams must collect one vial of Komodo drool and must hand it over to this local kid to receive their next tip. (The local holds up a tip as a Komodo dragon growls at Don) AUGHHH! (He puts the kid in front of the dragon who leaves) And teams should try not getting bitten. In case they do, side-effects may include headaches, dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, loss of sight, understanding Ridley Scott's Prometheus, burning, itching, oozing, weeping, and being eaten alive by a Komodo dragon. (A Komodo dragon glares and growls at Don again) AUGHHH! (He pushes the kid in front of the dragon again)

Kid: (looks at Don) You really don't care at all for the safety of a child, do you? (Don glares)

(Back at the Don Box, Leo/Annie, Gabriella/Nekota, and Dwayne/Junior arrive and read the tip. Owen/Noah and Emma/Kitty run with their vials.)

Owen: (running) Isn't this a little dangerous?

Junior: (frowns) We all have to die eventually. (Sighs sadly)

---> Dwayne: (he has his arm on his sad looking son) Junior come on, we’re in a land of dragons, you love dragons, for his 7th birthday we had a Dragon Tales themed party.
---> Junior: I’m so sad I don’t even care that you said that.
---> Dwayne: (nervously laughs and smiles) Come on, this’ll be fun. Or at the very least something we won’t forget, no matter how hard we try.

(Kitty is seen walking on the beach near some sleeping Komodo dragons. She climbs up one of the wooden huts on the beach and Emma is seen there smiling)

Kitty: Hey, I know you're in your happy place but could we do this challenge on our own, like without Owen and Noah?

Emma: Why? They've always been nice and help us.

Kitty: I know but I've been noticing lately that you and Noah's PDAs are starting to distract you both and throw off your games.

Emma: I think you may be exaggerating a bit.

(The camera zooms out to show that she's sitting on Noah's lap in the hut. Owen is seen hiding in fear from the Komodo dragons.

Noah: I don't want to take sides but she may have a point. How about we work apart on today's challenge and meet up at the Chill Zone.

Emma: (smiles) Okay, maybe you're right and that sounds like a plan. But five more minutes. (She and Noah cuddle)

Jen: I’ve considered many challenges on this show crazy but this is just plain dangerous!

Gabriella: Oh please, we live for danger.

Nekota: We laugh at fear.

Gabriella: Nothing can defeat us. (They run off)

---> Gabriella: We may not be herpetologists but we can handle this challenge.
---> Nekota: Gila Monsters hang around in my backyard all the time in addition to scorpions, so I don’t fear venomous animals.
---> Gabriella: I don’t fear any animal, but I do have an intense animosity towards eels. And I don’t trust stingrays after what they did to Steve Irwin.

(The siblings grab their vial and run off to the dragons, they run into June/Quince)

Leo: Oh hey guys.

Quince: Hey.

June: I was thinking, would you like to work together?

Leo: Sure, Annie's got great animal magnetism. This'll help us coast straight through this challenge.

Annie: Yeah about that, what's the plan exactly?

(Elsewhere, Brody is seen coming near a Komodo Dragon with a vial)

Brody: (walking slowly) Okay boy, come here. (Whistles) Nice and easy, here we go. (Whistles as he gets closer)

Geoff: Dude be careful. We don’t know how far out their fire can reach.

Brody: Good point man.

---> Geoff: The numero uno safety concern with any dragon is their fire breath.
---> Brody: Right, before we score any dragon venom we’ve got to put out its flames.

(Ryan grabs a mango off a tree)

Ryan: Here, let’s just toss one a mango, have it chow down, then take the pit when it’s done, it will be loaded with venom and it’ll be safer for us.

Stephanie: (Takes the mango) Provided these things even like mangoes. (Goes up to a dragon holding the mango) Hey there big guy. Hungry? (Dragon licks its mouth in hunger) Huh, you were right for once. (She drops the mango but the dragon doesn’t eat it, instead it growls at her and then goes after her. She runs off) They don’t like mangos, they like me! (Screams)

Ryan: Well that makes one of us. (Walks off)

(Jordan/Fabian and May/Sam meet to discuss what to do)

Jordan: I'm calling on the alliance now. What do we do?

May: Hard call, we've got a 10 foot venomous reptile that weighs more than all of us combined and I’m not a herpetologist.

Sam: Fabian you know a lot about animals, anything that could help us?

Fabian: Well if one of us was Mr. Freeze we could chill the lizard’s body temperature down so much that they won’t waste energy attacking us.

Sam: That gives me an idea! Fabian come with me! (They run over to the road) Taxi!

(A taxi comes to them and they both get inside)

Jordan: What are you doing?

Fabian: What are we doing?

Sam: We're going into town to find something to help us deal with these dragons. You two just sit tight and wait for us, we will return. (Tosses May a pocket knife) And use this to protect yourselves just in case (The taxi drives off)

May: Okay then (puts it away) Well looks like we're alone with each other for the first time in 3 years. Wanna just talk?

Jordan: Sure. (They go find someplace to sit down)

(Meanwhile Annie approaches a sleeping komodo while her brother and the Julliard students hide behind a bush)

Annie: Just sleep big guy. (Sings dreamily) Trust in me, just in me, shut your eyes, you can sleep, safe and sound, knowing I am around, slip into silent slumber, sail on a silver mist, slowly but surely your senses will cease to exist, just relax, be at rest, like a bird, in a nest, trust in me, just in me, close your eyes, and trust in me.

June: (whispers) I think it's working.

Annie: Just trust in me. (Is about to get the drool from the Dragon but then it wakes up) Uh oh. (Komodo sniffs her intensely. She sings with more worry in her voice) Trust in me, just in me, you can sleep, safe and sound, please really do, that's because I am around and I’m not really tasty. Whoa! (The Komodo drags her off into the forest by her skirt) Leo! Someone! Help!

Leo: My sister!

Quince: My girlfriend!

June: Well don't just stand here, let's go save her! (They all run into the jungle)

---> Leo: This isn't good! You can get $1 million on any two bit reality show, my sister is irreplaceable and immaterial!

---> Quince: I can't let my girlfriend be eaten by a komodo dragon! Especially when we haven't even gone out on our first date!
---> June: And I won't let the sister of my boyfriend and my best friend’s girlfriend die on national television! I'm not racing around the world with some sad sack!

(Deeper in the forest, Owen and Noah crouch from the other side of a bush as they see two Komodos eating from the bones of a water buffalo.)

Owen: What do you think?

Noah: Well, they seem harmless enough. (They witness a Komodo eat a skull bone off of the water buffalo without even chewing. They cringe in disgust.) Then again, maybe not.

Owen: (smiles) Maybe they won't try to eat us if they're already full on all these bones.

Noah: (looks at Owen) I don't know, being full never stops you.

Owen: Hey! (Realizes) Oh wait, that's totally true.

Noah: Let's just wait till they're done here and get some drool off of the bones.

Owen: (smiles) Great idea!

Noah: That gives us some free time while we wait. What should we do with it? See what the Sisters are up to? Cool? Cool! (Begins to walk off causing Owen to get mad)

---> Owen: I love that Noah's happy and doesn't care about the Race anymore. Except for the part about him not caring about the Race anymore. If we're going to win this, Owen's going to have to take charge!

Owen: Oh no you don't! (He grabs Noah from the back of his collar and brings him back) We're going to stay here and wait for the drool.

Noah: Wait what?! Why?!

Owen: (points at him) You and Emma need a little time away from each other. You don't get to see Emma today until we reach the Chill Zone. No buts.

Noah: But - (cut off)

Owen: I said no buts! Do you understand?

Noah: (sighs) Yes.

Owen: (gets in Noah's face causing Noah to lean back) I SAID DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!

Noah: (scared) YES! I UNDERSTAND! (He falls on the ground)

Owen: (smiles) Good.

---> Noah: Wow, Owen stepped up and took charge of the team? Maybe the Big Guy is starting to mature. Then again, maybe not.

(A montage is seen of all the teams dealing with the venom challenge. Carrie tries to get some drool from a Komodo but it nearly bites her hand off. Dwayne nearly gets a drop of drool but he runs off scared when the Komodo begins to glare at him. Geoff and Brody hide in a cabana house from two Komodos. Gabriella and Nekota try to use sticks to keep a komodo at bay but it just bites through them and they run. Jordan and May talk in a cabana hut. Two taxis arrive at the village carrying the Cadets and the Ice Dancers. They read the tip and start the Venom Challenge. Jen and Tom are seen running in fear from the Komodo.)

Don: (voice) After thirty minutes and still no drool, some teams start to come up with creative ways to snatch the drool.

(Stephanie continues to run from the Komodo pursuing her while Ryan just stands by and watches)

---> Stephanie: Is that what you call helping?
---> Ryan: I just figured, maybe you could run it out and then we could get the venom then.
---> Stephanie: Well at least run with me! Don’t leave alone with that thing!

(Owen and Noah walk around)

Noah: (points back) Those Komodos are never going to leave that skeleton. We need a new plan fast.

Owen: (points at the ground) Check that out! (There's some dead skin on the floor) The dragon must have exploded or something.

Noah: Relax, they probably just shed their skin like every other reptile.

Owen: (gasps loudly)

Noah: (seems concerned) Uh oh, I see wheels turning.

Owen: (smiles) If I wear the skin, I can pretend to be one of them and get close to them! I could swap some spit easily!

Noah: You want to make out with a Komodo dragon?

Owen: (laughs) No. I mean, I won't rule it out. That wasn't part of my plan. (Laughs some more)

(Near them, MacArthur and Sanders are seen behind bush near a group of sleeping Komodos.)

MacArthur: Ready?

Sanders: (nods) Ready.

MacArthur: Then we go on 3. 1, 2....

---> Sanders: We’re going to bag a komodo like bagged those rabbits in Australia.
---> MacArthur: If it worked for harmless fluffy lagomorphs why won’t it work for giant venomous lizards? (Sanders smile falters)

MacArthur: 3! (They both jump into the clearing) Freeze you overgrown iguanas!

(Suddenly, two Komodos surround the Cadets)

Sanders: They’re not freezing!

(Three more Komodos enter the area and surround the Cadets)

Sanders: Do we have a Plan B?

MacArthur: You bet!

(We move ahead of time where twenty Komodo dragons surround a tree and looks hungrily up. MacArthur and Sanders are seen holding on above in the tree looking down in fear.)

Sanders: (scared) I don't like Plan B!

MacArthur: Well, at least we're still alive. (They look fearfully down)

Jen: I seriously don’t have a clue as to what we should do. Maybe we should just throw in the towel and quit while we’re still alive.

Tom: Well if it’s any consolation I don’t see any other teams making progress.

(They then see Emma and Kitty using a stick to fight back a Komodo Dragon)

(They then turn to see Owen putting on the Komodo skin next to Noah.)

Owen: (turns to his back side) Hey Noah, does this Komodo Dragon skin make my butt look big?

Noah: Do you really want the answer to that? (Both Tom and Jen look confused as hell)

(Elsewhere, Josee and Jacques watch from behind a tree as a Komodo Dragon walks near them.)

Jacques: So what's so scary about these reptiles?

Komodo: (hurls up bones with venom)

Jacques: (disgusted) O-oh, that's a lot of saliva...

Josee: That's gross! (She points to the Komodo) Well, what are you waiting for Jacques? Go get us some drool!

Jacques: Me?! Why not you?!

Josee: (sighs) Well, I guess you're right. I better start - (pushes Jacques to the Komodo) Try not to die!

Jacques: HEY! (Slips on the venom and starts to fall forward) W-W-W-WHOA!

---> Jacques: (He's covered in dirt, glaring and crossing his arms) Not cool.
---> Josee: You know what they say, I was taking initiative. (Smirks)

Jacques: (Falls on the grounds and groans) I'm going to feel that in the morning.... (He hears snarling and looks up noticing the Komodo Dragon. He shows a deadpan expression.) Of course. (The Komodo growls in his face) AUGHHHHHHH! HELP ME JOSEE!

Josee: (she is seen filing her nails leaning on tree not paying attention to the danger Jacques is in) Yeah Jacques, you're doing great. Way to take one for the team. I'm rooting for you.

Jacques: (glares) Well that was no help! (He shrinks back in fear as the Komodo opens its massive mouth revealing its many teeth) HELP! (The Komodo dragon that was glaring at Jacques is backing away slowly from him, frightened.) Ehhhh, what's wrong with him? (The goths come walking up to the dragon)

Crimson: Spare some venom? (The dragon whimpers and ducks into the bushes) Whatever.

---> Crimson: We both wear Komodorant: Organic Komodo Musk Deodorant.
---> Ennui: Obviously it uses the scent of bigger Komodo Dragons so that must mean all these Komodos are afraid of us.
---> Crimson: Wimps.

(Deeper in the jungle, Dwayne and Junior are seen standing in front of a Komodo dragon. Junior still looks upset.)

Dwayne: (smiles) Alright, ready to get some drool son?

Junior: (sighs) Sure dad....

Dwayne: (frowns)

---> Dwayne: I want to help him but he keeps pushing me away. How do I do this? (Thinks)........... (Snaps his fingers) I got it!

Dwayne: (he kneels down to the Komodo) Hey there buddy, how are you?

(The Komodo snarls)

Dwayne: (chuckles) Yeah, me too. (Smiles) Anyway, I can tell you’re sad. I know how you feel.

Junior: (looks up and listens)

Dwayne: (sighs) I've woken up somedays wondering if I've ever really been the best I could be. I always worry that I'm not a good enough husband for my wife or a good enough father for my son. Still, seeing my son's smile on his face tells me that I'm doing a good job and I shouldn't worry.

Junior: (smiles)

---> Junior: (smiles) My dad may be really goofy, but he's still a good dad. He even helped me start to feel better by talking to a Komodo Dragon. I should really tell him how much I appreciate him.
---> Dwayne: (screams in the background as he runs from a Komodo dragon) AUGHHHHH!
---> Junior: (watches)........... You know, provided he survives this.

(Back with the Reality TV Pros, Owen is seen crawling towards the group of Komodos eating bones while Noah watches from behind a rock nervously.)

Noah: (looks nervous) I hope this works....

Owen: (whistles as he gets near) OY! Good day, mates! Mind if I join in, yeah?

Noah: Why would he fake an accent? Indonesians don't even have Australian accents!

Owen: (he grabs a bone and begins to bite on it) Ooh! Tasty! (The Komodos believe him and begin chewing with him.)

Noah: (deadpan) Never mind, it's working because of course it is. (Looks straight into the camera and back at Owen)

Owen: (a Komodo begins to lick Owen's face causing him to laugh) Hey! Stop it! That tickles! (He grabs the Komodos face) Aww! I like you too! (He begins to lick the Komodos face who looks so confused)

---> Noah: (barfs into a bucket)
---> Owen: (smiles) I love making new friends. I'm going to name him Chewey!
---> Noah: (groans) How are you still alive?!

Owen: (grabs the drool) Groovy! (Starts walking away and the Komodos stare at him) I've got Komodo stuff to do..... (He runs off and meets up with Noah) Got some!

Noah: (smiles) Sweet! Let's move on! (They run off)

(Suddenly, Chewey comes out and sees Owen run off. Chewey follows after the Reality TV Pros. He tackles Owen and then sits on top of him)

Owen: Oh hi Chewey. (Chewey seems friendly, a little too friendly)

Noah: Great.

Owen: A little help mate!

Noah: He’s your boyfriend, you dump him!

(Out in the jungle Leo, Quince and June are still searching for Annie.)

Leo: (Shouts) Annie!

Quince: (Shouts) Annie?!

June: (Shouts) Give us a sign! Anything! (They all hear a melodious harmony)

Quince: That sounded like her!

Leo: We’re coming Annie! (They all run off)

(In one of the cabanas Jordan and May continue to talk)

Jordan: And then when she was done I looked like, well it’s kind of indescribable but I guess a close approximation would be like a Christmas story book illustrated by a Russian artist.

May: That sounds cool, no pun intended. Do you have a picture of it?

Jordan: Actually I think I do. (Pulls out wallet and finds the picture of her body painted to look like an Arctic Nordic wonderland, a St. Nicholas like figure pulls a sled, there are a lot of blues and whites there’s also an aurora in the sky, the ice castle there glistens like a diamond. Jordan’s face also has a multicolored ice design to it.) Isn’t it pretty?

May: I’ll say. (Looks at it closer)

Jordan: Oh and that’s not the only time I was a canvas. (Pulls out another picture of herself from her wallet, this depicts her with a sea motif, looking like a cross between Botticelli and old fashioned mermaid deigns, her hair has a pearl necklace in it) Isn’t it pretty?

May: I’ll say. I wish I could have that tattooed on my body.

Jordan: Me too, but thanks to the camera the image is eternal.  Though I may get these pictures tattooed on my body, probably on my back.

May: You should these are like high quality art pieces. By the way did you win?

Jordan: I wasn’t competing but both of the women who used me as their model did win.

May: I guess you’re a good luck charm.

Jordan: Yeah, guess I am.

May: Maybe I should join you next time you volunteer as a model. Though would my hair get in the way?

Jordan: Oh I’m sure people would love you, just try and tie it up a bit, like you do when you need to wear wigs.

May: Alright then, next time you offer to be a model for effects artists, I’m going with. It should be interesting to be on the other side of the brush.

Jordan: Great. (They look around and notice they’re still alone) Man, we’re still alone.

May: I gotta admit, it has been nice talking to just you.

Jordan: Me too, considering we might be in-laws someday it’s nice to get to know more about you and talk about pointless stuff.

May: Yeah, it’s really fun, we’ve been together for so long and yet I only feel like now I’ve really gotten to spend some quality time with just you, and ask you questions that matter to me. I think that’s when you know you’ve become one in your friendship.

Jordan: Amen man. (They hear truck approach. They turn to see Sam and Fabian in the back of a truck with a solar powered freezer) Oh they’re back.

May: Good, now we can finally start the challenge. (Both exit the cabana house and run to meet their teammates) Hey guys.

Sam: Sorry we took so long, but the store owner made us work for the right to take this thing with us.

Fabian: We also have to return it back by 7:00.

Jordan: Why do you have a freezer?

Fabian: Sam came up with the idea, the plan is to lure one lizard into the freezer, and because lizards aren’t warm blooded it will quickly lose body heat and become more lethargic and less irritable, once it won’t bother to strike us we get the venom.

May: A little crazy but I guess we have no other choice.

Jordan: So how do we lure one?

(A komodo dragon sleeps. Suddenly it’s awoken by loud noises. It looks to see Jordan, May, and Sam taunting it.)

Sam: Come on get me you toothless wannabe!

May: Your mother is a salamander!

Jordan: Misero quod inexcusabilis es asinus est a te reptile Varanus komodoensis!

(Dragon roars at all of them and chases the trio)

Sam: Fabian!

Fabian: Yeah?

Sam: Is the freezer open?!

Fabian: Yeah. (Freezer is open and on its side)

Jordan: Well get ready for the dragon! (They run and lead the Komodo dragon straight to the freezer. Once they reach it they jump over it and the Komodo dragon runs straight into it. Once it’s inside they flip it back upright and place the lid on it. The dragon thrashes inside trying to escape so they all sit on top of it) Okay we got it contained.

Sam: Yeah but it’s still thrashing around.

May: I guess we just wait until it cools down, no pun intended.

Jordan: (deadpan) Yeah, more waiting.

Fabian: I think that was the craziest thing I’ve ever done!

(Out in the jungle Leo and the Julliard students continue to search for Annie)

Leo: Where are you Annie?  (Hears someone talking) Shh! (They all stop and listen) Listen! That’s got to be her!

Quince: (points) And it’s coming from over there.

June: Okay what’s our plan of attack?

Leo: (picks up some flint rocks and gives them to June and Quince) We knock the lizard out and then grab Annie and cheese it. (They all nod and agree. They then crouch down and crawl to a nearby bush. They wait for a while and look over the bush ready to attack. Imagine their surprise when they see Annie, sitting on a log, completely unharmed but also talking to two dragons as though they were people) What the?

Annie: (to the lizards) Listen I know relationships are tough but it’s just in your nature, komodo dragons aren’t a monogamous species.

Dragon#1: (growls and hisses)

Annie: I’m glad you agree with me but this is no time for you to get snippy. Talk to one another. (Both dragons roar and hiss at each other) Uh huh, uh huh, I get that. Well why don’t you two try doing things together? You could- you could hunt water buffalo together, that sound good? (Both dragons seem to growl in agreement) Okay then it’s settled. You’ll both try to spend more time together. But at the same time you’ll give her some space. (The dragons growl then leave) Okay bye, see you. (Waves good bye)

(Leo, Quince, and June are all dumbfounded by what they just saw)

---> Leo: Well at least she’s safe. Yet that raises so many other questions.

---> Quince: That was the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen “under the skin”

Leo: (he and the Julliard students run up to Annie. He hugs her) Annie you’re alive! I don’t know what I’d do if I lost the most important person in my life! (Turns to June) No offense.

June: None taken I understand fully.

Quince: What the hell did that dragon do with you anyway?

Annie: (Leo releases her) Oh he never meant to kill me, he just wanted me to help him with the problems he was experiencing with his mate, he really wanted her to stay but she wanted to leave to find someone else next season but I helped them stay together by reminding them of each other. I think it’ll work out.

June: Well you’re alive and that’s great and all but now we should probably head back and pray and hope we can finish the challenge.

Annie: Good point! (They all run off)

(Tom and Jen run from another dragon and they run into Devin and Carrie respectively)

Jen: Okay! This challenge is impossible! There’s no way we can get close enough to these things without becoming brunch!

Carrie: Sure there is, we’ve just got to find a way to make sure they don’t harm us while we get the venom.

(A dragon runs past all of them. Turns out it was running from the gym rats)

Gabriella: Yeah that’s right! Run you coward!

Nekota: You do realize the goal is to get their venom, not scare them off right?

Gabriella: Oh please, being feared is priceless.

Devin: Uh do you two need help?

Tom: Cause we’re kind of sunk too.

Gabriella: Yeah okay, anyone got a plan?

Jen: (Snaps fingers) I’ve got it! Why don’t we all work together to set up a trap? We’re in a jungle, so we should be able to find some vines to construct a net or something.

Devin: That’s actually not a bad idea.

Nekota: I know many different knots. I’ll be happy to help.

Gabriella: All right let’s get started!  

---> Gabriella: Gotta admit that Jen girl is smarter than I took her for. I typically don’t think of people in the fashion world as noteworthy or intelligent but she came up with that killer plan.
---> Nekota: And anyone who’s capable of working through their fear is aces in my book.

(A dragon rests in a clearing and then Geoff and Brody come at it and spray it with a fire extinguisher.)

Brody: Douse it dude! (Geoff blasts the lizard with foam. The dragon gets pushed back a few feet and then they stop firing. It coughs and hacks. Brody holds out their vial with two long sticks and the vial gets filled up with what they think is venom) Done and done! We are the dragon slayers! Hey don’t dragons always have treasure or princesses or junk?

Geoff: Yeah, fairytales don’t lie.

Brody: Well let’s go after it.

Geoff: Uh dude, might I remind you that I have a girlfriend.

Brody: Yeah fair enough.

---> Geoff: Brody hasn’t had a lot of girlfriends so he doesn’t know some of the rules of dating. Like never eat garlic salted onion rings on a liverwurst sandwich before you plan to kiss her, unless of course she doesn’t have a sense of smell in which case go ahead.

(Back at the tree, Sanders and MacArthur still hold on as many Komodo Dragons surround them below.)

Sanders: They haven't moved in a while. Maybe they're asleep. (Grabs a mango from the branch near her. She drops the mango on the ground and nothing happens. She smiles.) I think we're good! (A Komodo from below growls and throws the mango in her face. She sighs.) Never mind....

MacArthur: (frowns) Well, this looks like the end of us Race-wise........ And life-wise....

Sanders: (frowns) Well, if this is the end there's something I need to confess to you.

MacArthur: (smiles) Me too, partner. I - (cut off)

Sanders: No, me first. I insist. I just hope you don’t think any less of me. (MacArthur nods. Sanders sighs.) Okay, so one time I was out at some fast food restaurant and I asked for a burger and fries. But they only charged me for the burger. (Tears up) It was too late before I realized and.... I..... I....... I DIDN’T GO BACK TO PAY FOR THE FRIES! (She starts crying hysterically)

MacArthur: ...... That's it?

Sanders: (smiles and wipes her tears away) Wow, that felt so good to finally get that off my chest. So, what did you have to say?

MacArthur: Well, my real name’s Valentina Escobar, I lied my way into cadet school, I’ve got a rap sheet a mile long and I’ve been smuggling fruits and vegetables across the border since I was 5.

Sanders: WHAT?!

MacArthur: And I hope you don’t think any less of me.

(Elsewhere, Jacques is seen tip toeing slowly and quietly towards a sleeping Komodo dragon)

Jacques: Okay Jacques. You can handle a venomous reptile, there’s nothing to this. You've skated with Josee for years.

Jose: AHEM! (Jacques notices Josee glaring behind him) I'm right here.

Jacques: (sheepishly smiles) Forget what I said! (He gets near the Komodo Dragon and nearly gets the drool from its mouth until the Komodo wakes up as the ground shakes) Huh?!

Josee: (looks behind and gasps) WATCH OUT!

(Josee and Jacques get trampled by a pack of Komodo Dragons running in fear. Josee and Jacques are seen lying on the ground in pain as the Komodos leave. Turns out they were running from the Goths.)

Crimson: Come back you cowards.

Josee: (she and Jacques get up and wipe the dirt off of them) This is pointless! We need to forget the challenge and focus on DESTROYING the other teams!

Jacques: (rolls his eyes) Yeah, because that worked so well last time. That was sarcasm, by the way.

Josee: (slaps his hand away) I know! Just follow my lead.

(She and Jacques run up to the Goths)

Josee: (smiles) Hey guys. That rabbit of yours is soooooooo darling!

Jacques: (smiles) I used to carry a Shih Tzu just like him.

Crimson: Loki isn't darling.

Ennui: He’s a beacon of death and destruction.

Josee: (laughs) So true! (Keeps laughing confusing the Goths) Still, you must be terrified. Those Komodos are just waiting to gobble him up.

Jacques: One wrong move and he could be dragon chow. Best to get him out of here before it's too late!

Crimson: (looks at Loki) They may have a point. This challenge could be too dangerous for Loki.

Josee/ Jacques: (smirks)

Ennui: Let's see what he has to say. (To Loki) Loki link with me.

Josee: (confused) What are you....

Ennui: (he presses his forehead against Loki's forehead) Loki doesn't want to leave, he has a plan.

Jacques: Okay, what just happened?

---> Jacques: They're taking orders from a rabbit?
---> Josee: (smirks) You might as well lack your bag cause you're going home, rabbit lovers! (Points directly into the camera)

(Loki is seen on a tree branch and holding an acorn. He throws it at a sleeping Komodo who glares at Loki. The Komodo tries to bite Loki from below. Loki taunts it being just outside the dragon’s reach. The Komodo begins to drool into a bucket below)

Ennui: Yes, drool.

Crimson: That's it. Drool for us.

---> Crimson: Loki doesn't know fear. (Loki chirps in agreement)

Crimson: (she and Ennui get up close to the dragon) Smell the fear, you cowards.

(The Komodo smells the Goths and runs away in fear.)

Ennui: (he fills the vial up with venom while Crimson grabs Loki) We got the venom. Let's go. (They run to the next challenge)

Josee: (shocked) W-what?!

Jacques: Well, that plan backfired, but thankfully much faster this time.

Josee: (looks at the bucket and smirks) Who cares? We've got what we need!

Jacques: (fills their vial up with venom) What do we do with the bucket?

Josee: (grabs it and throws it in the air) TO THE WINNERS CIRCLE! (She and Jacques laugh as they run)

(In the jungle the siblings and the Julliard students are seen running back to the area where the challenge takes place)

Quince: It’s great that you’re alive and all but I don’t know how we can possibly finish the challenge with enough time to make sure one of us doesn’t go home.

Annie: Don’t worry. I’m sure things will turn out for us in the end and we’ll all get what we deserve. (The bucket Josee threw lands directly in her hands) Huh?

Leo: (smells what’s inside and is disgusted) Ugh, it’s not water, it smells too noxious.

June: (smells what’s inside) It’s the Komodo dragon venom!

Quince/Annie/Leo: Seriously?

June: Yeah! We got what we need!

Leo: Well let’s not stand here let’s hightail back to the challenge! (They all run)

---> Leo: That’s not the weirdest or luckiest thing that’s happened to us. Once Annie befriended a palm cockatoo that we found out was missing and when the owner came to pick it up he repaid us in allowing us to use his chauffer for a year, man that was a fun prom.
---> Annie: Once when I was little I found a Japanese chin puppy in an abandoned oven, my grandparents took it to the shelter and I thought that was the last I would see of it. Imagine my surprise two weeks later when I get as my Christmas present! I still have Eevee to this day.
---> Leo: Another time we found some heiress’ diamond ring in a field and she repaid us by allowing us to take anything from her upscale boutique. I guess altruism does pay off.

----> Quince: We should take Annie to a casino, she’d help us clean it up!

(The surfers are about to present their vial to the child)

Brody: Here’s your cup of doom drool! (Don takes it before the kid can. He examines it closely)

Don: Wait a minute. (Looks closer) This is just extinguisher foam! (Throws it away) Try and pull a fast one like that again and you’re disqualified, got it?!

Brody/Geoff: Got it. (They run off)

---> Brody: Who still says “pull a fast one”? What is this the 60s?

(While the surfers leave, The Ice Dancers and the goths give the kid their vials. The kids gives them each a tip)

Josee: (reads) It's another All-In!

Crimson: (reads) Prepare to meet your loom.

(Don is seen walking through the middle of giant piles of rugs.)

Don: (smiles) That's right! Loom! Indonesia is known for making eyecat textiles. Lots and lots of eyecat textiles. (Motions to the piles of rugs) Located somewhere in these piles are 16 Ridonculous Rugs that look like this! (He opens up a blue rug with a globe on it) Each team must find one. (He stands next to the Chill Zone next to a beach and lawn chair) Only then can teams make their way over here to the Carpet of Completion! (He sits on the lawn chair) No rush. (He sips out of a coconut drink)

(The gym rats, best friends, and fashion bloggers lay out their game plan)

Tom: Okay, let’s go over the plan one more time. (Uses a stick to point to drawings of the 6 of them on the ground) Gabriella and Nekota will lead a dragon here by luring it with bones, Devin and I will trigger the net once the dragon is in position, and then it’s up to Carrie and Jen to get a vial of venom. Once the gym rats have done their part, Gabriella will get her team’s vial of venom. Clear?

Everyone else: Clear!

(The gym rats find some bones and wave them around to get the attention of one Komodo dragon. It follows them to where the others are. The other two teams hide in nearby bushes. Once the gym rats cross over the net, the dragon follows. When its feet are on the net, Devin and Tom pull hard and the trap springs into action. The beast gets lifted into the tree above, encased in the net. It growls and flails trying to free itself. Carrie and Jen get underneath it and manage to get enough venom into their vials.)

Carrie: Got it!

Jen: Me too!

Devin: Great but we’re losing our grip!

Gabriella: I’ve got this. (Runs over to the two young men, pushes them aside and holds the dragon in place like it was nothing) Get the venom Nekota!

Nekota: On it! (Stands beneath the beast and fills his vial with venom.) Done!

Gabriella: Out of the way! (He moves out of the way and she drops the net. The beast continues to flail about)

Carrie: Wait! (She and Jen quickly remove the net off the animal) Now, run! (They all run over to the safety of their partners)

(Stephanie is seen stuck up a tree while a Komodo tries to bite her.)

Stephanie Aren’t you going to help me?

Ryan: (reading a book) Why, you’re doing fine.

Stephanie: (screams) AUGHHHH! (Rips a branch off the tree and begins to beat the Komodo with the stick) AUGHHHHH!! (The Komodo passes out on the ground dripping drool) And stay down! (She throws the stick to the side)

Ryan: (gets the drool) Okay, I got it. Nice job, Stephanie.

Stephanie: (grabs the vial) Let’s just go!  (She and Ryan run for the rugs)

(Back at the big tree, MacArthur and Sanders still hold on for dear life.)

MacArthur: I did it all. Loitering, jay walking, hell the hand was flashing and I went for it. So we’re cool right? (Smiles)

Sanders: (screams) HELLLLLPPP!!!

MacArthur: Yeah we probably should’ve done that about an hour ago.

Sanders/MacArthur: (in unison) HELLLLPPP!

(Near the tree, Geoff and Brody are seen watching a Komodo from behind a bush.)

Geoff: No foam, just venom. You got the body armor?

Brody: (Raises up hands covered by oven mitts) Yep! (Hears the cadets screaming) Hey, you hear something?

Geoff: Probably just some princess in trouble.

MacArthur: (voice) We’re trapped and my butt’s falling asleep!

Brody: (Hears the screaming) Wait, that's my princess! Come on! (He and Brody run towards the screams and see the Cadets stuck in a tree surrounded by Komodos) Oh no!

Geoff: (looks at them) They could light up that tree like match!

Brody: Don’t worry babe! Your knight in quilted armor is here!

Geoff/Brody: (wielding sticks) Battle cry!  WAAAHH! (Dragons chase after them. Cut to the Surfers and the Cadets stuck up the same tree)

Geoff: Well that didn’t go as planned.

Don: (voice) While the Cadets and the Surfers circle the last place drain, the Ice Dancers, the Gym Rats, the Best friends, the Fashion Bloggers, Daters and the Goths are tied for first place.

(Josee and Jacques work quickly to find a rug. Tom/Jen, Carrie/Devin, Ryan/Stephanie and Gabriella/Nekota search in that same pile. Crimson/Ennui watch Loki pop out of a rug pile searching around.)

Don: (voice) And the other teams finally grab venom.

(Emma and Kitty are seen tugging on stick against a Komodo who's tugging the stick with his mouth.)

(Back with the animanaics and the anime nerds)

Jordan: Maybe it’s asleep now. (They all look inside the freezer and notice that the lizard has indeed fallen asleep, it’s still breathing and drooling)

Sam: Well now it’s time to get the venom, who’s gonna do it?

Fabian: Not me.

Jordan: I’ve got this. (Jordan sticks her vial into the freezer just inches away from the lizard’s mouth, she gets enough drool to fill it up) there we go.

May: Oh, I’ve got this. (May gets her teams venom as well) Now let’s get on with this challenge.

---> Fabian: Man are we dating the coolest girls or what?
---> Sam: We totally are man. I don’t know of many girls who want to so much as think of a giant lizard, much less get venom from its mouth.

Fabian: Wait what about the lizard?

Sam/Jordan/May: Fine. (They all flip the freezer so that the lizard falls out, they quickly run to the kid to get their next tip while the lizard wakes up and just goes off elsewhere)

(Meanwhile the siblings and the Julliard students arrive back at the challenge)

Annie: (grabs her vial and fills it with the venom) For us!

June: (Does the same thing) And us! (Annie sets the bucket down and they all run to the kid to get their tips)

Don: (voice) Some more dangerously than others.

(Junior is seen trying to tug Dwayne's foot out of a Komodo's mouth. Dwayne looks scared as hell.)

Don: (voice) And one team hasn't made much progress at all.

(Owen is still pinned under Chewey who’s sleeping)

Owen: H-h-h-help me.

Noah: (snaps fingers) Hello? Wakey wakey. (Chewey doesn’t wake up)

(Don is seen in front of the Chill Zone)

Don: (smiles) But hey in this game you never know, sometimes first place become last place just like that. (Snaps fingers) My mistake, the goths are in first! (The goths arrive followed by the ice dancers) In return, the Ice Dancers are in second! Goths for taking first place you get this Komodo dragon skeleton! (Someone pushes a dragon skeleton in front of them) And this collectors copy of the local temple statues. (Several statues are pushed into view)

Josee: (angry) WHAT?! SILVER AGAIN!? THIS! GAME! IS! RIGGED! (Swings the rug in fury) AUGHHHH! (Swings it again hitting Jacques and knocking him over in the process) AUGHHH! (Swings it a third time) AUGHHHHH!


---> Crimson: (monotonous) We won, yay.

Don: (voice) While our first place team celebrates, more teams complete the second challenge. (Gabriella and Nekota arrive) 3rd place!

Gabriella/Nekota: Yes! (They high 5)

Jen: (unrolls another rug but it’s not the one she needs) Aww these are all adorable, just like the rug we bought in Morocco. I wish we could take one home.

Tom: (reveals he found the rug they need) Who says we can’t? (They squee in excitement and run off to the chill zone)

Devin: (finds the rug) Found it! (He and Carrie high 5 and head off to the chill zone) 

(Dwayne and Junior are seen finding a rug while Kitty and Emma find their rug. Ryan finds a rug but Stephanie grabs it from him and runs off to the chill zone. The anime nerds find a rug and so do the animaniacs, June and Quince also get a rug, Annie finds her rug and then ties it around her like a superhero cape and runs off to the chill zone with her brother following shortly behind)

Don: (Annie/Leo arrive) 4th! (June/Quince arrive) 5th! (Ryan/Stephanie arrive) 6th! (Emma/Kitty arrive) 7th! (May/Sam arrive) 8th! (Fabian/Jordan arrive) 9th! (Tom/Jen arrive) 10th! (Devin/Carrie arrive) 11th! (Dwayne/Junior arrive) 12th!

Jen: Can we keep the rug?

Don: Sure why not. (The bloggers squee in excitement) With two spaces left, our final three teams are all stuck in a rut, or tree.

(The quartet is still stuck in a tree)

Sanders: We need a diversion. If we throw something at them that smells like us, maybe they’ll go after it.

MacArthur: (pulls out a lock of braided hair in a blue ponytail ribbon) I’ve got this. I was saving it for my man though.

Brody: Wow, your hair doesn’t even look shorter.

---> MacArthur: That’s because I cut if from my pits.
---> Sanders: Gross!

Brody: (grabs the hair after MacArthur tosses it to him) Too bad we have to toss it, be free my beloved. (Tosses it by the wayside and all the dragons go after it. They all climb down the tree)

(Back with Owen and Noah)

Noah: Great we’re gonna get last place. (Chewey is drooling in his sleep)

Owen: Oh god he’s drooling! (Noah gets an idea, he fills his vial with Chewey’s venom before it reaches Owen’s eye.)

Noah: Got it!

Owen: Great, now get him off of me! (Owen gets so nervous he farts, scaring Chewey off) Well that worked out better than expected.

Noah: Let’s go! (They run off to the kid)

Geoff: Man there’s no way we can get past its fire breath now.

Sanders: Fire breath?

Geoff: Ugh yeah they’re dragons.

MacArthur: Ugh news flash: Komodo dragons don’t breathe fire.

Brody: (shocked) Really? Well in that case. Taxi! (A taxi pulls up in front of him)

Sanders: How are there taxis in the jungle?

Geoff: Don’t worry about it.

Brody: (to the taxi driver) Hey do you mind opening a window? (The driver rolls the front passenger window down and then Brody honks the horn) Here Komodo! (A dragon prowls towards the taxi. The driver lurches back in fear as the dragon pokes its head through the open window. Brody rolls up the window so its neck gets stuck in it. As it struggles to free itself Brody collects his venom) Who wants drool? (The other racers cheer at his accomplishment)

---> Brody: (the driver is seen breathing into a paper bag in the background) Kids remember, I’m trained professional in all things crazy. Never try this at home, unless of course you live here, in which case go ahead.

---> MacArthur: Man that dragon looked angry.
---> Sanders: He reminded me of you without your morning coffee.
---> MacArthur: (Offended) Hey! (Calmly) Good one man. (Punches her playfully)

(The cadets and surfers have finally arrived at the rug challenge)

Brody: Find the rug! And quickly! (They all scramble to find one)

(Owen and Noah have also moved onto the rugs)

Noah: Okay, I’ll search that pile, you search this one.

Owen: Got it! (Owen dives heard first into a pile, then a large rumbling sound is heard.) That doesn't sound good... (The massive pile of rugs begin to collapse and fall all over the Reality Pros. The rugs are seen everywhere. He comes out holding the rug he needs) Hey, I think I found one! (Looks around) Noah? (Noah is nowhere to be seen)

Noah: (voice from under the rugs) I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE I AM!

Owen: I’ll find you! (Starts searching)

(Brody grabs a rug and unfolds it but it's not the one. He sighs.)

(Sanders kicks a rug on the floor but it's not the one either. She groans.)

(Geoff lifts up two rugs and unfurls them but neither are the one he needs.)

(Owen looks in between rugs to find where Noah is.)

(Brody finds a rug but it's not the one and ditches it to search for the right one.)

(MacArthur finally finds a rug with the rug with a globe on it)

MacArthur: I found it!

(Brody finds a rug with a globe on it as well)

Brody: Got one!

Don: (voice) It's a three-way race for not last place. Who's heading home?

(Geoff and Brody run with their rug to the Chill Zone)

(MacArthur and Sanders run with their rug to the Chill Zone)


(Owen is seen rummaging a pile of rugs looking for Noah)


Don: (smiles) It's going to be a close one and............... (Geoff/Brody and MacArthur/Sanders arrive at the Chill Zone with their rugs at the exact same time.) My mistake it wasn't close at all.

(Back at the rugs, Owen is frantically searching for Noah.)

Don: Boys I’m sorry to say but you’re out of the race, you played a good game though, now please leave.

Emma: (Comes running over to search) Noah? Noah? If I could find you I’d kiss you.

Noah: (pops his head out of the rug pile) I’m here!

Owen: Where was that energy a minute ago?

(Emma kisses Noah. Most of the girls and some of the guys go Aww)

Emma: Meet me at the final chill zone and we’ll go out on our first date.

Noah: (dreamily) Got it.

=== Best of Owen and Noah === (The screen shows the best moments of Owen and Noah during their time on the Ridonculous Race. They voice over.)

Noah: (voice) As far as reality shows go, that was as real they get.  Still, this Race wasn't a total lost. Did I win? No. Did I get a girlfriend? Yes, so I pretty much won in life.

Owen: (voice) Besides, it's about making friends and having fun. Not about the money. Plus, I’ve already won a butt load of money.

Noah: (voice) And I'm dating a lawyer so I'll never need to work again.

Owen: (voice) I'm sure Emma will love to hear that. (Laughs)

(Owen and Noah are seen walking together on the Indonesian coast)

Owen: (to Noah) So what reality show should we do next?

Noah: Didn’t I tell you? We’ve already been hired to do the next season of- (Cut off because the episode ends)

In unrelated news today 5/26 is my sisters birthday!

Big chapter with a lot happening. What between the cadets and surfers getting stuck, Annie getting lost,  the anime nerds and animaniacs working together, and the cooperation of the gym rats, best friends and fashion bloggers this chapter was absolutely nuts. Winner and loser stay the same as canon but hey, at least Noah is still going out with Emma and they've made it 2 episodes farther this time around. Favorite part this episode:  The plan of Devin, Carrie, Tom, Jen, Gabriella and Nekota working perfectly. I'm so excited for the next chapter cause it's my next fanon episode.

Next episode: Japan

Team Placements:
Crimson & Ennui (1st Place) 
Jacques & Josee (2nd Place)
Gabriella & Nekota  (3rd Place)
Leo & Annie (4th Place)
June & Quince (5th Place)
Ryan & Stephanie (6th Place)
Emma & Kitty (7th Place)
Sam & May (8th Place)
Jordan & Fabian (9th Place)
Tom & Jen (10th Place) 
Devin & Carrie (11th Place)
Dwayne & Junior (12th place)
MacArthur & Sanders/Geoff & Brody (13th Place)

Owen & Noah (15th place)
Dani & Syd (16th place)
Aaryn & Yves (17th)
Chet & Lorenzo (18th)
Mary & Ellody (19th )
Kelly & Taylor (20th ) 
Laurie & Miles (21st)
Rock & Spud (22nd) 
Gerry & Pete (23rd) 
Jay & Mickey (24th) 
Leonard & Tammy (25th) 

Next chapter:
Last Chapter:

As always tell me what you like and what you think. Don't forget to comment
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This was fantastic!!!!